Social Return on Investment

Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency advocates to shape and determine outcomes indicative of whānau success. It looks to establish itself as an example of best practice in commissioning for outcomes and impact. We introduced the Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework as an innovative approach to measure impact in the Whānau Ora space.


Social Return on Investment Summary

SROI helps to measure the wider value created by activities of an organisation for the whānau:

  • it brings us even closer to communities and whānau so that we can gain a clearer understanding of what changes whānau value most.
  • SROI is more than just a number – instead, it has the potential for providers of Whānau Ora services to tell their stories of change and impact more comprehensively and foster relationships with the whānau and other partners.
  • Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency released a publication in October 2019 that aims to deepen understanding of SROI, and its implications on funding and investing in the social sector.

Whakainea Te Whakaaweawetia o Te Whānau Ora: Measuring Impact for Whānau Wellbeing contributes to this dialogue, using the example of an SROI analysis for a parenting programme.


Social Return on Investment Report

Social Return on Investment Report

Social Return on Investment Publication

Social Return on Investment Publication